FREE copyright free music on Facebook

En este momento estás viendo FREE copyright free music on Facebook
  • Categoría de la entrada:Temas varios
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  • Última modificación de la entrada:3 junio, 2022
  • Tiempo de lectura:8 minutos de lectura

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Music and sounds without copyright FREE !!!

Many times we are editing a video to use it on some social network such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and we want to add background music and we go to the internet to download it without noticing that we are using music that has copyright.

These rights are those that protect a musical theme or artist composition from piracy, that is, if someone else comes to use their music or sound, they may be subject to sanctions from the platform where your video is published.

These sanctions range from simple notifications, partial blocking of the audio of the video where it contains copyright, blocking all the video, and even legal sanctions (if the author manages to identify you and you have been recurrent in the improper use of his musical composition)

Where to get music without copyright?

Very easy, create your own music !!! 😎

Just kidding … keep reading 🙂

Currently it is easier to find music without copyright on the internet, this thanks to the people who are dedicated to creating pieces of music just free of Copyrigth looking for another type of benefit that in some cases they want to be known and once this is achieved they can be hired to personalized work, an excellent strategy, right?

Another widely used option is to take these pieces that are copyrighted and add another background sound (another musical track for example) this way you are not using the original sound.

IMPORTANT: If you use this method, you must bear in mind that the background or track sound must cover the original audio at all times (time).

Why should I use this music and not the original one?

    It is true that some songs can be used without severe penalties from the platform you are using, however those who are looking for music or sounds free of copyrigth are the people who dedicate themselves to monetizing through video.

    You will be able to create an excellent video that can be viralized quickly but if the background audio is from another creator you will have many problems so that your video can monetize, they may even take away the benefit of obtaining money in the future.

    Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TicTok and many platforms have a database of music themes that you cannot use in your videos and very strict policies on this matter.

Copyrigth free music and sounds

    After understanding a bit of what the topic of copyrighted music is about, I can already explain how to get some sounds totally FREE from Facebook itself

How to enter Creator Studio on Facebook?

    Very well, let’s go to the final topic, to enter the Creator Studio module of Facebook you must have created a Fanpage or Facebook page, go to it and look in the upper panel for the Publishing tools button

    Once inside the module you will have a panel on the left, locate the Creative Tools section and click on Sound Collection

IMPORTANT: Sound collection will be moving soon

Sound collection will be moving to the file management tab soon. You can launch our tour to see where to find sound collection in the file management tab

    Done, you have entered the module where you will find a whole collection of sounds and music free of copyright that you can use for your videos.

Personal recommendation: For funny or moving videos, filter by the Electronics genre.

Facebook Sound Collection

    Here it has music and sounds of all kinds, you can use an intelligent filter that allows you to search by genre, rhythm, speed, duration, it even allows you to choose if you want a sound with a male or female voice😱

¿ Do you want to travel to space?

    Surely you thought it was part of an advertisement … but I tell you that you can travel to space if you listen to the NASA sounds that you can find in the collection of Facebook Sound Effects.

    That’s right, you have special sound effects for your videos where we also find the ones you hear on the NASA 🚀 and many other sounds like animal sounds, horror sounds, ambience, cartoons, etc.

This is one of the downloaded audios of the collection: Houston-Discovery

You will no longer have legal problems thanks to this information 🏆

Community Manager


Yolimar Ortega

Me encanta hacer crecer las redes sociales con nuevas ideas que inspiran la interacción con las publicaciones que realizo 😍

Especialista en: Redes Sociales, Facebook Ads.

Apasionada por la fotografía - Analista

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